Acupuncture Therapy Treatment in Calgary

Acupuncture promotes the balance and flow of Qi energy, which is considered fundamental to health in Traditional Chinese Medicine. When the body is in good health, Qi (pronounced Chee) flows easily along the meridians, forming a conceptual network of routes throughout the body. When the equilibrium or flow of Qi is disrupted or hindered, the body may become unhealthy or prone to illness. Acupuncture addresses both the symptoms and the underlying reasons for a patient’s ailment.

Acupuncture is a centuries-old, risk-free, and successful alternative to traditional medicine. Placing needles into certain anatomical areas promotes natural healing by increasing the release of endorphins, the body’s natural pain-relieving neurohormones (acupuncture points).

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a therapeutic technique that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow and promote healing.

Traditionally, acupuncture has been associated with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). However, some modern physiotherapists have integrated acupuncture into their practice as a complementary or adjunct therapy to conventional physiotherapy treatments. Physiotherapists who use acupuncture have undergone specific training and certification in acupuncture techniques, ensuring they have the necessary skills and knowledge to administer the treatment safely and effectively.

Conditions Treated with Acupuncture

Acupuncture in physiotherapy is useful for many health issues. It’s not just for pain relief; it also helps with recovery after surgery, relaxing tense muscles, and even managing stress. Here’s a look at some common conditions where combining acupuncture with physiotherapy can make a difference. 

Chronic Pain Management

Acupuncture is effective in managing chronic pain, particularly in the lower back, neck, and knees, by stimulating the body's pain-relieving mechanisms.


For athletes, acupuncture can accelerate the healing process of sports-related injuries, reducing downtime and improving recovery speed.

Joint Pain and Arthritis

This therapy is beneficial for joint pain relief, especially in cases of arthritis, helping to reduce inflammation and improve joint mobility.

Muscle Tension and Spasms

Acupuncture can relax tightened muscles and relieve spasms, offering an alternative solution for muscle-related discomfort and stiffness.

Acupuncture can be used on any part of the body and can be used to treat a large variety of conditions and ailments. From head to toe, our team can provide an effective treatment plan that aids in your pain relief and symptom management. Learn more about the conditions we can treat by visiting the page below! 

Techniques of Acupuncture We Use

Needling Therapy

Plum Blossom Therapy

Auricular Acupuncture


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